Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Voices and Mayhem

Since I was small, before I could even speak, I've heard these voices. They aren't just in my head, they surround me. Sometimes they whisper, sometimes they yell at me. Sometimes they sing to me or speak in other languages. I don't tell anyone they are talking to me. My body can also move without me controlling it. It gets up at night on it's own and pours a glass of water. It makes itself a sandwich and it looks out the window. I am aware of what is happening, but I can't stop it. Then it becomes cataleptic out of nowhere. I believe there are other people or something that live inside of me. They don't take over all the time, but when they do, it's interesting to me. I'm not scared. I will share what they do. I will introduce you.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Today it is 6° and sunny in Curmudgeon City. The peasant is confined in the tower of her normal people job. She awaits the conclusion of her stressful boring work day. The place reeks of burnt almonds and old people. No one recognizes her, but she knows all of them. After the work day, the peasant is off to cause mischief and nefarious acts :-). Stay tuned for she does next....

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Curmudgeon City

I'm a city girl. I come from one of the most greatest cities in the world, NYC!!!! Now I currently reside in a not so wonderful backwoods city -_-. It's completely close minded and everyone is basically the same to me. Every place can be like that, don't get me wrong. But anyone coming from somewhere different to a new place might feel the same. I get made fun of or people are shocked by my appearance, because of my dress style. I'm not sorry for not being your typical hipster chick conforming to my surroundings,  and then claiming to be unique. Hence hipster curmudgeons -_- I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of you who feel like I do. I'll be sharing more stories.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Six Impossible Things I believed Before Breakfast

1. I can swallow swords while being demonically possessed.

2. I can have a tea party on Mars.

3. If I focus hard enough, I can use my telekenesis to force the snow out of the sky.

4. I can do a back bend on the tip of the Chrysler Building.

5. I can get through the day without growling at people.

6. That I can transform into Satan whenever I want during the day.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Purveyor of Pulchritude 💀 🎃 💀 😈 🎃 💀 😈 🎃 💀 😈 🎃 💀 😈 🎃 💀 😈

Hola and Hail Satan!!!!

So why Satan? You all may wonder? Why would anyone worship the devil? To most people devil worship is like regular God Worshipping, a joke! Well I'm here to explain how it goes with me. I worship Satan the Devil. I believe in God, but I do not worship him. I am against him. I oppose him and his son Jesus Christ by embracing my sinful nature. Real satanists like myself knowingly do this. We are not atheists and illuminati douchebags. So if you are one, we are not on the same page. In Satan, I can live my life and not repent for my sins. Why should I? I didn't ask to be here! None of us did. So why create more imperfect people, instead of fixing it? God is playing a sick game with us. In fact, he blesses the very people who twist his so called word. Christians, Catholics, all the same. Just different titles. They're both trinitarians. They call themselves people of God, yet they are the most judgemental. In Satan, there's no need to judge, because we are all wicked!!! We can do what we fucking want to! So hail Satan now or stick to waiting on the lame ass Yaweh prayer line? 😈🎃 💀 😈🎃 💀 😈🎃 💀 😈

Return of Meeeee!!!

Hola Again!!!!

It's Mistress Spider here. Boy has it been a while. Don't worry I promise to be more regular! What have I been up to? A lot since 5 years ago lol. Between the time I last posted and now, I've been in school and working. I've owned about 8 different tarantulas and a scorpion. Now I currently perform sideshow acts and have been pursuing a circus career! And I can't forget about my continous Satan worship!!! I'll be sharing the goods don't worry! I want you all to meet my kids! My oldest tarantula is a Chilean Rose Hair named Izzy. My middle child is a Venezuelan Green Bottle Blue named Jellybean. Last, my youngest is a Chaco Golden Knee named Leeloo Dallas. Izzy and Leeloo are females. Jellybean is a male.