It all started in some weird city building.
I did not recognize this building. Nor did I recognize any of the people I was with. There had been some kind of strange thing going on. I wasn't sure if I was reading a book or not, or maybe a voice was narrating something strange into my head. But it was about a serial killer who had been killing children and putting their dead bodies on the rides of an old abandoned amusement part. All I recall was the last sentence in the book was The dead children were found marinated on the merry-go-round. Then there was a part two. Back in the building again, some chubby kid with black hair and a girl asked the receptionist if we could see the merry-go-round. She told us we could. We had to crawl on this track that kinda reminded me of those carts that miners use underground. This was more like a fun house sort of thing. This was the strangest fun house amusement park I had have ever been. The place looked like a regular house. We went into a bedroom with a funny closet door. Mind you, no one is suppose to trespass here, so I don't know why the receptionist allowed us to go in there. The was an office door with a funny clock that had the numbers 1-10. Somehow it winded up and counted ten seconds. A toy clown knocked on the door. I guess we were suppose to open it. I think the chubby kid opened it. Well, like one of those wheels you put a deck of cards on, they were seats to a ferris wheel. But spinning vertically in the the little door way. Each seat revealed, there was a dead child in it. Except one seat had a grown man in it. He was also dead. I just stood there wondering how nobody had found this place and why there were dead children in here. The other odd thing was that all the children were black. Including the man. We had all backed out of the room, into the hallway. A door behind us opened and we immediately took off back to that miner cart thing. Me in the lead. We ran because this was suppose to be abandoned. No one was suppose to be there. We weren't even suppose to be there. The whole thing just got weirder. There was a room that read Bloody Torture Chamber. I opened it and it was just and empty room with a bloody coat hanger dangling from a string from the ceiling. Just a bunch of us were scoping out this place. Someone was still killing and someone had been staying in this place. I found outside one door a brand new pair of Nikes. And there was a Mud Changing Room that someone also had been in there. I never did find out who were the killers. All I know is, the rides in the park were not completed.....