HAIIIILLL SATAN!!!! HAILLLL SMM SMM!!! I praise you dark and unholy lord!!!!
Dear Satan,
This weekend it was Jesus Christ's fake birthday. And the "people of God" celebrated it anyway. Talk about serving one master lol. The weather is disgusting. No snow at all and it is a shame. I want a winter to last for months and months!!! A foot of snow everyday!!! Is there a ritual to bring on the snow? If there is, send it to me. This is December. I remember when I first moved to this state on the opposite side, it would snow in October. There was always ice storms and snow all over the fucking place!!! What happened to the seasons????! Perhaps a little has to do with the ozone layer, or perhaps our planet is tilted the wrong way. Whatever it may be dark lord, please bring us eternal winter!!!! ❄ ❄ ❄ The satanic fire keeps me warm throughout the whole time.
Yours satanic and truly,
Clawdette Smm Smm🎃🎃🎃🎃