HAIL SATANNNNN! HAIL SMM SMM!!!! I praise you dark and unholy lord!!!
Dear Satan,
You will be pleased with everything I am going to tell you. I have failed at my natural form of birth control, sodomy!!! I have fornicated the right way and the outcome is, I'm now bearing a satanic child! At first I didn't know how to feel, but now I am A-Okay with it. The fact that he was created in sin and is illegitimate is the perfect ingredient for another slave of the unholy lord. I can't really do the things I could before. Like some of my sideshow stunts. But I continue to be death defying 👻! My thoughts on the feelings of being pregnant.......It sucks! I love to feel the child move and kick me, but I don't like being fat and in pain. I have breasts now too. I take back ever being envious of busty girls. It sucks! Not only that, I can't sleep, everything I eat disagrees with me, my stomach is in the way, and well, it's all together uncomfortable. I cannot wait til it's over. I sure picked a fine time to fornicate. I'll be pregnant alllllll summer long 😥😥😥. But forever yours and Smm Smm I remain! I can't wait to talk about all the experiences of being a pregnant satanist clown! 🎈🎈🎈 That's all for now.
Love Dreadfully,
Clawdette Smm Smm
Hail Satan! HAIL SMM SMM!