Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What the voices had to say today

After a painfully passionate night, I finally went to sleep. The voices decided that they wanted to send me odd illusions. The polar bear was sniffing me. It was memorizing my scent of witch and voodoo. I got away from the bear and walked outside to see the van full of children pulling out of the driveway. A little girl, no more than three, managed to open the sliding door. I don't know exactly how she fell in front of the back wheel, but she did. The van back out over her stomach and rib cage. The driver felt the bump, the child was crying. She was twisted and broken, but still alive. I ran over and got into the van. A little boy tried jumping out of the window, but I quickly closed it so he couldn't. Me and the blind girl were laughing and taking pictures together. I let her try on my clothes and showed her how beautiful she was. I ran into the Catholic church and stole a crucifix and a vial of holy water. The priest caught me and I apparently let him keep my driver's license as a reimbursement. The unclean spirit had to be laid to rest. A proper burial. The hole was dug and I threw the skeletal remains in it. Along with the cross and the holy water. The sound of the boat fire alarm filled the room.

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